El enorme parecido de Becky G y su mamá no ha pasado desapercibido en redes sociales, donde los seguidores de la interprete de "Mayores", han comentado que lucen como hermanas gemelas. Incluso, algunos han confundido a Becky con su madre.

Thankful ??

Una publicación compartida de Francisco & Alejandra Gomez (@iammamagiampapag) el

Alejandra Gomez, la mamá de Becky G, ha recibido muchos halagos de parte de los fans de su hija, quienes aseguran que la cantante heredó su belleza. Alejandra ha confesado que no le gusta pensar que su hija se parece solo a ella, aunque reconoció que sí lo es en "muchos aspectos.

Thank you to this fan who sent this to me. I like to think that she just doesn’t look like me but she’s a lot like me in many ways ??‍♀️ I miss my baby girl

Una publicación compartida de Francisco & Alejandra Gomez (@iammamagiampapag) el

Hace unos días, con motivo del día de Acción de Gracias, dedicó un emotivo mensaje a su familia por apoyarla en su carrera y por lidiar con ella cuando ha sufrido ataques de ansiedad.

"Honestamente, no sé qué haría sin mi familia. Son todo para mí. Les quiero con todo mi corazón", escribió la artista de origen mexicano.

My day yesterday was spent with the people I love.. I am so incredibly thankful for my parents, my brothers Frankie, Alex & my sister Stephanie this year. This year has been a hard year for me, Personally, emotionally, and career wise. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them giving me strength to get through. I said yesterday that I am thankful for all the “Bad things” that have happened to me.. I said that because they’ve reminded me that I am human, that I can still learn, that I can become stronger. Also, because they brought me closer to my family. All these things have made me better. Made us better. I recently opened up about my battle with severe anxiety. When I was 15, during what we call “family meetings”, I had my first attack. I stopped breathing. My body took control against me. After ending up in the hospital my parents promised me that I would never have to face a challenge, fear, or pressure too big that would trigger alone. They’ve seen me at my worst, on FaceTime in different countries coaching me through anxiety episodes while I hide in the bathroom. They’ve seen me cry because while I’m unpacking one suitcase I’m packing another to leave again and again. They’ve seen all of the effects my career has on me. I am proud to say that they’ve also shared my triumphs, the good in what I do. I’d like to make it clear that there wouldn’t be any of the good without them. Their words and love, their hugs and simple conversations feel life saving at times. I honestly don’t know what I would do without my family. They’re everything to me. I love them with all my heart.

Una publicación compartida de Becky G (@iambeckyg) el


Una publicación compartida de Becky G (@iambeckyg) el

Love having her with me during big moments like these. Grateful to have you by my side. Love you Momma ❤️ #LatinAMAs

Una publicación compartida de Becky G (@iambeckyg) el